Project kick off meeting

13 August 2024. Project kick off meeting- The power of rainwater -supporting poor and marginalized families on access to safe drinking water in Stung Thmei village, Pramouy commune, Veal Veng district, Pursat province with Funded by Davish Yu Fund and Japan Water Forum. @Stung Thmei primary school, with 12 participants, 03 females.

RWC’s general annual meeting review 2023

RWC’s general annual meeting review 2023, celebrating our success and plan a head is annually conducted. The meeting always conducts to annually review with an amazing result and fun as all RWC family members have enjoyed most of the activities during the annual review in which taken place from 26th-28th, December 2023 in Legend hotel and resort at Preah Sihanouk and Beong Baithong Restaurant and Resort at Phnom Penh with all 11 participants (04 females). It was successfully organised as we have reached our expected results including
(i), what changes we have made ?
(ii) work plan and mission for 2023
(iii). internal policies review. We would like to extend our thank you very much for all of your support to get reach our great results in 2023.

Finally, the meeting defined a mission statement and actions for 2024, “We ready to raise and respond to our work!”, Start now-Do now!

Project launching “Constructing a water supply and sanitation system in the Stung Sen Basin”

On December 12th and 13th, 2023, Rainwater Cambodia (RWC) organized a meeting to launch a project in collaboration with GRET, focusing on constructing a water supply and sanitation system in the Stung Sen Basin, Cambodia. Additionally, RWC also take part of support the establishment of water management committees, capacity building, and community behavior change campaigns on water and sanitation in Reab Roy commune, Rovieng district, and Sangke Pei commune, Chhep district, Preah Vihear province, which is supported fund by GRET. The purpose of this meeting is to present the crucial project information and ongoing activities. Specifically, it aims to engage stakeholders in discussions to gather recommendations crucial for ensuring the successful implementation of the project.

Hosting visit Mr. Roland Debschutz, president of KHA

On November 16th-17th, 2023, RainWater Cambodia, Thmar Koul, and Poi Pet operational district hosted Mr. Roland Debschutz, president of KHA to visit health centres and visit vulnerable household upgrading RWH safety plan under the project. Six health centers of Thmar Koul OD and three health centre of Poi Pet OD were visited and met director or representative of health centre to talk on the project intervention for improving the health centre WASH facilities such as: hand washing station, inclusive latrine, handrail, incinerator, bottles pit, placenta pits and ramps, etc. Furthermore, visitors met some vulnerable households, community hall, and village health support group members who received training on rainwater harvesting safety plans including first flush system. Finally, visitor was very appreciated for taking the time to see the project achievements in these health centre.

RWC 3rd Quarterly Reflection Meeting

“Reflection – Learning – Implementation” RWC 3rd quarterly reflection meeting 10-11 October 2023 focuses on reflection of progress against planning, staff capacity building, continued implementation of its plan.

Board of Director’s Meeting

RainWater Cambodia board of director’s meeting in Phnom Penh on 07th September 2023, under Dr. Sok Long Board Director, Mr. Kith Khemrarith founder of RWC, staff and student from HAMAP for Humanitaire. Purpose of meeting:
– To present the progress update of RWC in 2023 and workplan for next semester
– To present the mission from students from Hamap for Humanitaire in RWC

P6566: Semi-Annual Meeting

On Friday, June 23, 2023, RainyWater Cambodia, in collaboration with the Department of Health of Battambang Provincial Administration, organized a workshop to reflect on the project “Improving the health situation in western Cambodia through WASH capacity building in community health centers and communities” under HE Tin Saravuth, Deputy of Battambang Provincial Governor, Representative of Battambang Provincial Health Department, Banteay Meanchey Province, Oddor Meanchey Province Target district in Battambang province, Operational District, health center and development partner organization working in related WASH, a total of 30 participants, 08 females. The purpose of this workshop is to present the interventions and achievements of the project for one year. In order to achieve the effectiveness and sustainability of the guidelines on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in health care facilities, HE Tin Saravuth, Deputy Battambang provincial Governor, made some recommendations:

1-Department of Health and Operational District help to maintain clean water equipment
And basic hygiene, regular cleaning.
2. The district/commune administration shall help to check the priority needs of the health center by including water and sanitation in the commune and district investment plan.
3-Development partner institutions continue to support the health centre, both physical and non-physical, so that our health center becomes a standard health center with more customers and visitors.
4-District, Commune, and Village Administration help to promote household rainwater harvesting safety plan to give communities access to clean water.

World Water Day 2023 “Clean Jars! Safe Rainwater”

World Water Day is celebrated annually on March 22, focusing on the importance of freshwater and advocating for sustainable management of water resources. It is about taking action to tackle the global water crisis in support of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6.

In 2023, the theme of World Water Day will focus on “accelerating change to address the water and sanitation crisis.” In addition, RainWater Cambodia has celebrated it’s World Water Day with the theme “​ Clean Jars! Safe Rainwater ”. The campaign aims to make people in the communities and health centers in the target areas aware of the context of water scarcity and sanitation and to increase awareness of the importance of water sources, in particular the focus on safe rainwater collection. In addition, enables to upgrade on water storage facilities and rainwater harvesting through technical risk managed with access to safe water and improving health.

All participants also take the dialogue of inspire for the question associated to the slogan of the campaign consists of the activities of visit pictures on booth and providing the gifts lucky draw.

Group photo with participatory in Boeung Raing village, O’Srolav commune, Malai district.

SENG SEYMA: Admin and Finance Assistant

SENG SEYMA: Admin and Finance Assistant (Good Communication and Teamwork)

SENG SEYMA is a third year student pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Management of Preah Kossomak Polytechnic Institute. In February 2023, she started working with RainWater Cambodia as an admin and financial assistant. She is extremely committed to her work and enjoy working with Rainwater Cambodia to support visions and missions by supporting rural communities to improve their access to sanitation, water and climate adaptation. She expect after working with Rainwater Cambodia, she hope to gain a lot of knowledge through this program and good relationship with team.

P6566: WASH Facilities validation in Health Care Centres

From 24 to 25 January 2023, Rainwater Cambodia (RWC) organized the visit to assess the construction of water sanitation and hygiene facilities under project ” Improving the Health of the People of Northwestern Cambodia by Strengthening Water and Sanitation Capacity in Health Centers and Communities ” Funded by BMZ Germany through KleineHilfarbeit e.V. (KHa).

The objective of this visit is to access the progress of the construction in target health centers and to ensure that the construction are going according to plan. In addition, Mr. Pheng Kea, Executive Director of RainWater Cambodia and the technical team inspected the construction of 10 WASH facilities including Tapho, Sarang, Kork Kathin, Phum Thmey, Chak Puok, Boeung Trakoun, Kouk Romiet and Banteay Chhmar located in Thmar Puok district and O Bei Choan located in Poipet operational district.​ These facilities included hand washing station, inclusive latrine, ramps for the disabled, incinerators, waste storage facilities and water system improvements. As a result of the overall assessment, all construction of WASH facilities are in accordance with the technical plans and plans prepared. In particular, to evaluating the construction is beautiful, high quality and efficient. Beside the visiting, in addition to assessing the construction of WASH facilities at health centres, Mr. Pheng Kea attended a meeting to reflect on the progress of the project, providing support to the project team for the next steps.

GESCOD: “Syndicate for water management committee in clean water supply operation in Teuk Kraham commune, Chham Khsan district, Preah Vihear province”

The Dissemination’s Meeting on “Marketing and Opening for Water Pipeline System Registration”

On Tuesday, January 17th, 2023, Rainwater Cambodia organized a meeting on marketing dissemination and opening of water supply pipeline system registration in the house for local community lived in Teuk Kraham and Chaom Ksan commune, Chaom Ksan district, Preah Vihear province​, in which project support fund by GESCOD under the Tonle Sap Authority and Integrated Water Resource Management – Stung Sen Basin.

Marketing​ is a part of the business plan and its demonstrates the Water Management Committee’s strategic and encourages local community people to invest in the water supply pipeline connection for increased access to safe water and improving of community health. There were in total of 34 participants and 25 women at the Tuol Andet pagoda in Teuk Krahorm commune participated. The meeting aim at informing the local habitants on key features of the services as connection fee, tariff and seeking the household who are interesting for a pipeline water supply system. As a result, there are 12 households registered for the water supply pipeline during the first of marketing step. In addition, the participants has also a visited the technical of water supply station processing directly.

HAMAP Humanitaire: The workshop on “Support WMC to improve access to safe and hygiene drinking water for community in Tang Krasao and Reaksa communes in Kampong Thom and Preah Vihear province”

The workshop on “Support WMC to improve access to safe and hygiene drinking water for community in Tang Krasao and Reaksa communes in Kampong Thom and Preah Vihear province”

On Friday, December 23th, 2022, Rainwater Cambodia organized a workshop on officially project launching namely: to exit the project namely: “Support WMC to improve access to safe and hygiene drinking water for community in Tang Krasau and Reaksa communes in Kampong Thom and Preah Vihear province” under supported fund by RHIN-MUESE Water Agency, HAMAP for Humanitaire.

The increased partnership engagement is key, RWC conducted this workshop with aims at: demonstrating the background information of project, activity of breakdown workplan; and sharing the result of study research in the project areas. With a total of 15 participants and 2 females attended. In particular, participants also offered the key recommendation in project implementation. Occasionally, the water management committee from Ngorn commune also shared the lesson learnt from the water system operation. At the end of the meeting, Executive director from RWC and Tang​krasao commune chief have signed on project partnership agreement with seen by Brasat Sambo district administration.

SGP-GEF-UNDP: “Upgrading from handpump to piped water supply for small community in Stung Thmey village, Pramouy commune, Veal Veng district, Pursat province”

Upgrading from handpump to piped water supply for small community in Stung Thmey village, Pramouy commune, Veal Veng district, Pursat province.

RainWater Cambodia (RWC) and its partner Stung Thmey’s community protected area have designed and implemented solar powered drinking water for supply water in community which are designed to complement water supply and demonstration of clean energy by using solar pumping system. The system composes of borehole and solar pumping extract water to water tower 15,000L and supply to householders in community and measured by households water meter and tariff is collected in monthly basis. The system is implemented on a household scale in which affected from drought and where poor water access. Community protected area committee was topped up with define clear roles and responsibilities on water supply and small farming beside the protection forestry in their village. The project was financed by SGP-UNDP from July 2022 – June 2023.

HAMAP Humanitaire: Training workshop on ” Business plan and marketing strategy in water system operation “

On Thursday, October 20, 2022, RainWater Cambodia organized a training course on business planning and marketing strategy in the water station management process provided to water management committee in 07 communes in which funded by HAMAP. This training conducted in one day, there were 26 participants with 03 female attended.

Seeing the need​ of support in the business planning and marketing strategy of the seven water station management committees, Rainwater Cambodia organized this training in order to all participants well understanding the process​ of business planning and marketing strategy. In addition enable to develop business planning and marketing strategies for water supply system to community. As a result, the participants carried out the business plan preparation and monitoring and evaluation of the business plan at each water station system. In addition, Rainwater Cambodia has invited an honorary speaker, Mr. Bien Kong, Head of Kampong Thom Provincial Water Supply Authority to share his experience on water supply business management with participants. Moreover, all participants also visited the water supply chain in Kampong Thom Water Supply Station.

Training workshop on ” Business plan and marketing strategy in water system operation “

P6566: ” Official Project Launching “

On September 16th, 2022, RainWater Cambodia in partnership with Banteay Meanchey Provincial Health Department organized the official project launching on “Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Health Care Facilities” under chairman by HE Dr. Le Chansangvat, PHD of Banteay Meanchey Province, HE Dr. Khlok Huot, PHD of Oddor Meancheyl, Mr. Pheng Kea, Executive Director of RainWater Cambodia, representatives of PHD Battambang province, ODs and partner organizations with a total of 27 participants. In order to disseminate the national guidelines for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Health Care Facilities and present the project progress and next plan.

Nong Boroth: Project Assistant and Driver

Nong Boroth: Project Assistant and Driver-(Photography skill, Teamwork, Good communication)

NONG BOROTH is a fresh graduated Bachelor’s degree of Natural Resources Management and Development at Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) and has been volunteering with RWC since 2021 he works as a project assistant and help to support the project field. As a development student I’m really enjoyable this working and I have committed to support RWC project throughout the mission and vision. Currently is in charge in the project name “Improving the health situation in western Cambodia though WASH capacity building in community health centers and communities” as a project officer assistant and driver base in Banteay Meanchey province.

Eng Sokhen: WASH BCC Officer

Eng Sokhen: WASH BCC Officer (Report writing skill, teamwork, good communication)

Eng Sokhen has experiences in a variety of community development, water sanitation and hygiene (WASH), sustainable agriculture, integrated pest management (IPM), agriculture extension, farmer life school trainings, land right education, project development, capacity buildings and trainings, extensive background, and skills in designing, managing, and monitoring, and evaluation of development projects with local and international organizations. Sokhen hold a Bachelor of Science in Agronomy, specializing in Rural Development from Maharishi Vedic University (MVU), Prey Veng Province in 2004, and starting work for RainWater Cambodai in July 2022 as a WASH Behavior Change Communication Officer in the project name: “Improving the health situation in western Cambodia though WASH capacity building in community health centers and communities” base in Banteay Meanchey province.

P6566: “Improving The Health Situation In Western Cambodia Through WASH Capacity Building In Community Health Centers And Communities”

KAM139: Safeguarding Training Workshop

On 08 July 2022, RWC team organized a training course on “ Safeguarding “ for main focal point in 10 targets villages, located at Sdock Pravoeuk commune hall, Rukhakiri district. Battambang province, funded by CAFOD. With a total of 13 participants and 2 females are attending. The training is intended for awareness the knowledge of safeguards for focal point in order to lead and implement to the people and beneficiaries in the project, especially vulnerable groups.

KAM139: Increased access to improved water source and safe drinking water in Sdock Pravoeuk commune, Rukhaki

On 23 March 2022, Rainwater Cambodia organized a meeting on the launching of the project under the theme “Increased access to improved water source and safe drinking water in Sdock Pravoeuk commune, Rukhakiri district, Battambang province” in Rukhakiri district government hall. The implementation of this project is funded by CAFOD organization. With aim to present the process for implementation of the project with participate in discussions to develop a follow-up next plan future. The meeting was composed of participants from district authorities, village and commune authorities.

New Office

We are pleased to inform that RWC is recently moved to a new office to # 304, St.2000, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmey, Khan Sen Sok. Please be informed!

KAM133: Stakeholder Meeting

On March 9 2022, RainWater Cambodia organized the quarterly meeting. Location Chheuteal Chrum Primary School, Pramouy Commune, Veal Veng District, Pursat Province. The meeting is intended to demonstrate the activities achieved from January to March 2022 and in order to monitor the water management process in Phchek Chrum village. In addition, Rainwater Cambodia presented a strategic plan for the next five years in the water sanitation and hygiene sector. The participants consisted of representatives of district authorities, environment offices, commune authorities, COCD partner organizations, and main focal point in the five target villages.

KAM133: Improving access to improved water source and safe drinking water in Veal Veng district, Pursat province

In order to participate in respecting the measures of the Royal Government three do not and three defend, on 29 April 2021, Rainwater Cambodia organized a meeting on the launching of the project under the theme “Improving access to improved water source and safe drinking water in Veal Veng district, Pursat province” via facebook to respond to COVID-19 situation. The implementation of this project is funded by CAFOD organization. With aim to present the process for implementation of the project with participate in discussions to develop a follow-up next plan future during the COVID-19 issue. The meeting was composed of participants from district authorities, village and commune authorities and partner organizations (COCD).

TORNH Theary: Admin and Finance Assistant – (Administration, Procurement, Database research and data collection )

Theary is a fresh graduated bachelor degree of major Natural Resource Management and Development at Royal University of Phnom Penh. She is starting volunteer with RWC in June 2021 until December 2022 as an admin and financial assistance. Currently she is in charge in the project name “Improving the health situation in western Cambodia though WASH capacity building in community health centers and communities” an admin and finance assistant base in Banteay Meanchey province. She really has high commitment and enjoy working with RWC to support the version/mission by support with rural community to improve their access to safe drink water sanitation, and climate adaptation. In addition, she’s strong talent in Administration, Procurement, and Database research and data collection. She hopes she can gain more knowledge through this program and teamwork.

TORNH Theary: Admin and Finance Assistant

TUN Meng Tieng: Project Officer

TUN Meng Tieng: Project Officer – (Data collection, GIS mapping and SPSS)

Mengtieng, graduated of Natural Resources Management and Development at Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) and has been volunteer with RWC since October 2020. He works as project assistant in Accompagenment project to support training of WASH behaviour change communication and provide hygiene practice to participant. In May 2021 Mengtieng was successfully awarded the position of project assistant in the project BMZ-KHA and have committed to support RWC project throughout the mission and vision. Currently, Mengtieng become a project officer in the project ” Increasing access to improved water source and safe drinking water in Sdock Pravoeuk commune, Rukhakiri district, Battambang province ” funded by CAFOD. In addition, he is strong experience in community outreach through data collection, GIS mapping and SPSS. He has strong communication with team. Future goals, being a businessman and wanting to help the rural area to access clean water and sanitation.

SAROEUN Pheara: Program Officer

SAROEUN Pheara: Program Officer – (Database research/data analysis, GIS mapping)

Pheara completed a bachelor’s degree of Natural resources management and development at Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) and has been volunteering with RWC since July 2019. He works as admin/finance assistant and help to support the project field. In January 2020 Pheara was successfully awarded the position of project officer and currently he become a senior officer and high committed to support the RWC project throughout the vision/mission to support the people in community access to safe water and good proper hygiene in rural areas. In addition, he is strong talent for undertaking the key tasks of Database research/data analysis, GIS mapping, proposal writing and WASH program in the organization. Regularly strong communication with community and help to support teams work and work closely with any stakeholder.

Cheng Borey: Project Officer (Communication and problem solving)

Borey completed a bachelor’s degree of Sociology at Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) and has been volunteering with RWC as project officer intern since March 2014 to support the project field. Borey has been over 6 -year progressive working experience with local and international non-governmental organizations and education areas. In February 2021 Borey was successfully awarded the position of project officer of Accompagenment project and high committed to support the RWC project throughout the vision/mission to support the water management committee in Kampong Thom and Preah Vihear province and people in community access to safe water and good proper hygiene in rural areas. In addition, he has full fill of communication skills, problem solving skills, community, workshop, training and meeting facilitation skills, monitoring, coaching, mentoring skills and reporting writing skills including data collection, photo taking and case study writing skills. Additionally, he strength is good at working with team and multi-stakeholders.

Cheng Borey: Project Officer

World Water Day 2021!

Happy World Water Day, 22nd March 2021 on ” Valuing of Water”. RWC has also celebrated its world water day in the targeted community, in particular Lavea and Trei Nhnor communes, Pouk district, Siem Reap province on ” Valuing of rainwater harvesting” through ICT to a dissemination of key messages of its values and short Video story on ” Don’t wait for rain”, by BBC Media Action.

HAMAP Humanitaire: Accommpagement project “ improving access to clean water and sanitation with a focus on school children and poor households in Putrea Commune, Chey Sen District, Preah Vihear Province”

Accommpagement project

RainWater Cambodia (RWC) was commissioned by HAMAP for Humanitaire (HAMAP) with funding support from RHIN-MEUSE Water Agency in France for the project implementation “ improving access to clean water and sanitation with a focus on school children and poor households in Putrea Commune, Chey Sen District, Preah Vihear Province from January 2018 – June 2019 for phase1 and January 2020 to June 2021 for Phase2 , under Integrated Water Resource Management – Stung Sen Basin (IWRM-Stung Sen). The overall goal of this project is “Community increases sustained access to improved drinking water, sanitation and promotes proper hygiene practices.

The outcomes and key learning from Putrea commune showed significantly progress as the management committee (WMC) has knowledge and manage the operation through provision of bottled water to community including school and health center. The WMC was established, intensive capacity building and knowledge transfer for the committee members provided. The governance body of IWRM-Stung Sen is interested in exploring the model of support and key learning from Putrea to further support of other water management committee in six communes along Stung Sen basin in which implemented by AREED and GESCOD.

KAM-131: Flood response

Flood and its consequence will be potentially occurring of victor borne diseases, RWC with the support from CAFOD in Cambodia had conducted the hygiene and water safety plan promotion campaign in its project targeted area in Trei Nhor commune, Pouk district, Siem Reap province from 25-28 October 2020; during the campaign has also provided with bottled water of 20L produced by water management committee in target village for 191 poor and vulnerable peoples. In addition, the campaign has also presented about the precaution and protection of covid19 with specifically focused on hand washing at critical time.

HAMAP Humanitaire: Flood area in Putrea commune, Chey Sen district, Preah Vihear province

On October 21, 2020, RWC team visited the project target areas to conduct WASH-BCC pre- triggering village meeting in the target in Putra commune. Remarkably, the situation in Putrea, in particular Perk village was affected by floods and the road was flooded, some homes, crops and animals were flooded too. Moreover, RWC team visited some households affected by the floods in Putrea Village, Putrea Commune, Chey Sen District, Preah Vihear Province to understand the living conditions during flooded, in particular the water and sanitation practices. In addition, the team also provided advice on water, sanitation and proper hygiene practices and precautions of Covid-19 pandemic.

KAM131: Supporting community on improving access to safe drinking water

RainWater Cambodia (RWC) was implemented the project of support from The Catholic Agency for Oversea Development (CAFOD) to conduct on “Supporting community on improving access to safe drinking water in Pouk district, Siem Reap Province” from May-2020 to April-2021. RWC propose for 12months project implementation to achieve the overall goal of project as “Community in both communes improve access to safe drinking water and proper good hygiene practices”. To achieve the project goal, RWC have the two main objectives as:

• Increased knowledge community groups and local authorities on safe drinking water and proper hygiene
practices through adoption water safety plan and safeguarding.
• Improved access to safe drinking water through upgrading water facilities and increased capacity of commune
and village focal points to sustainably manage the project.

Exit strategy is key to delegate’s project responsibilities to the focal points in community to continued implement and service safe drinking water and attain good health. RWC propose to adopt the KEEP, STOP, START model in which used in previous successful projects. The model participative engages key informants in community group to reflect, document and prepare next step plan for implementation.

KHA: School WASH project kick of meeting

On 29th July 2019, all afternoon, the project kicks off meeting was conducted at

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the district office of education of Banan district, Battambang province, funded by Kleine Hilfsaktion.e.V. The participants, six participants, for the kick of meeting consist of deputy head of district office of oxymetholone tablets education, youth and sport, school principles from both school and supporting committee.

The main objectives of the injectable testosterone cream for sale online in 2 meeting presents as following:

–              To present the key objectives of project, key expected result and actions

–              To present the WASH minimum standard at primary school from MoEYS, and discuss both school’s situations

–              Discussion for next

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step of project as, planning roles, responsibilities of all project participants.



HAMAP Humanitaire: Inauguration ceremony of Clean Water Supply Station

June, 13rd 2019: An inauguration ceremony of anavar kokemuksia Clean Water Supply Station in Putrea commune, Chey Sen district, Preach Vihear province with honorable chaired by H.E Prof Lim Puy, vice chairman of Buy kamagra 100mg oral jelly in UK Left pyramidal tablets syndrome and its relation to the kidney Tonle Sap Authority, Ministry of Water Resource and Meteorology and H.E Deputy Provincial Governors of Preah Vihear and Kampong Thom under Integrated Water Resource Management in Steung Sen Basin. Project was funded support by AGENCE DE L’EAU RHIN- MEUSE through Ministry of Water Resource and Meteorology, implemented by HAMAP and RainWater Cambodia (For Putrea commune).


H.E Prof Lim Puy, vice chairman of Tonle Sap Authority, Ministry of Water Resource and Meteorology
Clean Water Supply

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Roof harvesting – Rainwater harvesting formalization in rural Cambodia

Pheng Kea, Executive Director, RWC


Around the world, 663 million people still lack access to improved drinking water sources. Water is fundamental for human life and thus access to clean water is a basic human right. At the very least, one should have daily access to a minimum of 20 litres of clean water for basic needs.. Both the quality and quantity of water supply must be ensured to meet people’s basic needs for drinking and cooking.
Cambodia Sustainable Development Goals #06 aims to increase national access to improved water supply to 100% by 2025. In 2016, 61% of Cambodians had access to improved water supply of which 53% lived in rural areas. In order to achieve the goal, the Cambodian Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) has established the National Action Plan (NAP) to be implemented testosterone cypionate 250 mg for sale
from national to sub-national levels. Under the NAP, the MRD and WASH sector have jointly developed either a provincial action plan or a district action plan for a more specific implementation in these areas.

Rainwater is in abundance in Cambodia: there is enough annual rainfall to cover both domestic water supply and irrigation needs. But for rainwater systems to be considered an improved source, the water must be stored in a single tank with a capacity buy of at least 3,000 litres. It also requires certain types of roofing and storage to ensure the water is clean enough to drink at all times. Rainwater systems are ideal for Cambodia, where many people already have the right types of roofing installed. However, current systems are too small to store water for the dry season and do not store the water in a safe manner.

This article combines a literature review, experience and the findings of studies undertaken by RainWater Cambodia (RWC). The first step is to understand the government’s effort to implement the national action plan on water supply. The second step is to examine the community’s perception on traditional rainwater harvesting in rural Cambodia, and the third step is to investigate the sustainability of using risk-managed rainwater harvesting systems promoted by RWC in terms of physical condition, ability to maintain and user perceptions in rural Cambodia with the objective of improving access to water and make drinking water affordable, convinience and realizable in Cambodia..

Key words: roof harvesting, rainwater, formalization and rural Cambodia

  generic cialis pills gaining symptoms and losing    1. Introduction

          1.1 Global water supply situation

Around the world, 663 million people still lack access to improved drinking water sources (JMP update report 2015, p4). Water is fundamental for human life, and thus access to clean water is a basic human right. At the very least, one should have daily access to a minimum of 20 litres of clean water for basic needs (Kevin Watkins, 2006). Water supply refers to large utilities with piped distribution systems, piped and non-piped community supplies including hand pumps, and individual domestic supplies (WHO 2005). Both the quality and quantity of water supply must be ensured to meet people’s basic needs for drinking and cooking. Significant disparities exist between urban and rural access to improved water supplies. Around the world, improved water supplies are available to 96% of urban communities and to 84% of rural communities (JMP update report 2015, p54).

          1.2 Cambodian SDG 06 and water supply in Cambodia

In the Cambodian context for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Cambodian government sets for the country some ambitious access to water objectives: “Universal access to improved water by 2025” and “Universal access to safe water by 2030” (SEVEA 2017).

Cambodia has many alternative water resources such as Tonle Sap Great Lake, the Mekong River, and groundwater. According to data collected from the Cambodia Socio-Economic Survey, the number of households with access to improved drinking water source is 61%, of which 53% are in rural areas (CSES 2016, p13). To monitor the progress of SDGs and the National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) 2014-2018, the Cambodia Socio Economic Survey (CSES) results are collected and used for updating the progress.

Access to an improved water supply is defined as “the availability of an improved water source within 150 metres of a house,” and an “improved” water source is one that is more likely to provide “safe” water, such as direct piped connection to the house or a borehole, (NAP, 2014). Rainwater collection is also considered as an improved water source if the rainwater catchment tank is completely closed, has a tap to withdraw water and has a capacity of at least 3,000 liters (CSES 2016, p13).

          1.3 Rural water supply informed choices in Cambodia

Cambodia is considered one of the most water-abundant countries in the region, and there are two main types of water available in Cambodia: approximately 75,000 million m3 of annual surface water runoff and 17,600 million m3 of groundwater in aquifers. Precipitation varies from 1,400 mm to 3,500 mm annually, depending on the areas and number of rainstorms (Kyoochul Ha 2013, P.36).

The selection of the appropriate type of water supply is hence a fundamental step to ensure the reliable access to high-quantity water. There are a number of water sources, which rural areas can rely on: rainwater (different designs of tanks and jars), surface water (reservoirs, rivers, streams and others) and groundwater (dug wells and boreholes). However, each water source provides water with different quantity and quality depending on its nature (SNV-MRD 2015, p.23).

               1.3.1 Surface water

Surface water appears either as direct runoff flowing over impermeable statured surfaces that is then collected in large reservoirs and streams or as water flowing to the ground from surface openings. Generally, surface water is water found in lakes, streams and rivers. In Cambodia, all sources of surface water are categorized as unimproved water sources and not recommended as source for rural water supply, unless treatment is incorporated (SNV-MRD 2015).

               1.3.2 Groundwater uses

Groundwater is the water located beneath the earth’s surface in porous soil spaces and in the fractures of rock formations. Shallow groundwater is generally extracted through dug wells, while deep groundwater is extracted from boreholes. Moreover, groundwater is considered as an improved source for water supply (SNV-MRD 2015, p.24). Groundwater is suitable for irrigation use, but high levels of arsenic, iron, manganese, fluoride and salt are observed in some areas; and 53% of Cambodian households drink

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from groundwater sources in the dry season (Kyoochul Ha 2013, p.38). However, there are areas with evidence of long-term decline in groundwater level in Cambodia that is not environmentally sustainable. Aquifers are recharged by rain at a very low rate: it was estimated that the rates are on average 1.5% of annual rainfall, between 10 and 70 millimeters per year. It is also difficult to successfully drill wells, due to complicated geology (Vouillamoz et al., 2016, p. 199-201).

              1.3.3 Rainwater harvesting

Cambodian rainfall yield is high enough to collect water for both domestic water supply and irrigations. JICA in 2002 showed that using rainwater as a water source is a traditional practice and that 87% of the 303 villages in two provinces, Kampong Cham and Kampong Chhnang, of Cambodia used rainwater harvesting. It is common for households to have 2-3 traditional pieng jars with a capacity ranging from 800 and 1,200 litres. However, the government of Cambodia does not consider the use of rainwater as an improved source unless it is stored in a tank of over 3 m3 (World Bank -WSP 2015, service delivery assessment, p.23) and therefore estimates a lower level of access to water supply in rural Cambodia.

Figure 1- Rainfall distribution map in Cambodia (Source: MoWRAM, 2011)

About 97% of dwellings in 2016 had hard/permanent roof materials, and about 3% had soft/temporary roof materials. The most common roof material in the country as a whole was galvanized iron/aluminium, which constituted about 52% of the total occupied dwellings, followed by tiles, about 27%. The third most common roof material used was hard/temporary fibrous cement, which accounted for about 10% (CSES 2016, p.9). In many areas where it is difficult to get access to an alternative water supply as salty water, mountainous and arsenic affected areas, rainwater plays important roles in the provision of clean and safe drinking water solutions. The Water and Sanitation Program of the World Bank completed a study in 2011 on the options for safe water access in arsenic affected areas in Cambodia and recommended that an effort be made to focus on rainwater harvesting with year-round storage capacity for a good clean water system; and possibly a secondary focus on piped water system (Andrew, 2011).

The alternative water access strategies that should be explored to ensure sustainable use of groundwater is to focus on increasing rainwater storage at both the household and community levels. There are two parts to increasing rainwater harvesting supply: rehabilitation of existing sources and increasing the number of storage infrastructure. At a minimum, a family of five requires 3,000-5,000 litres of water for drinking and cooking throughout the dry season (AE-WFP 2016, P.24).

     2. National Action Plan (NAP) on water supply, sanitation and hygiene 2014-2018

The NAP set targets of 60% improved access for rural areas and 85% of piped access for urban water supply by 2018, and the NAP 2019-2023 is being developed by reflecting the key learning from NAP 2014-18. Universal access targets to be met by 2025 have officially been adopted for rural sectors in the National Strategic Plan for Rural Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (RWSSH) 2014-2025. Recently, the impact of climate change events such as floods and droughts in Cambodia has increased: in early 2016, Cambodia experienced an extreme drought that affected all 25 provinces and cities, or approximately 2.5 million people in total (MRD/UNICEF 2016). This has led to an increased need of water with many crops and animal dying in some affected provinces, and there is a need for adaptation and increased resilience to climate change.

The NAP 2014-2018 and the National Strategic Development Plan set forth the vision of granting “Everyone in rural community sustains access to a safe water supply and sanitation services and lives in a hygienic environment by 2025”. There are five main strategic objectives of the NAP which cover (i) institutional capacity for RWSSH service delivery, (ii) increase financing for the provision of RWSSH services, (iii) promote and increase access to sustainable rural water supply service, (iv) promote and increase access to sustainable rural sanitation services, and (v) promote sustained hygiene behaviour change in relation to rural water supply and sanitation..

The Department of Rural Water Supply (DWRS) of the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) oversees water supply in rural Cambodia. In particular, DWRS is mandated to support and facilitate development partners involved in rural water supply; development and manage planning and allocate tasks to the sub-national level.

The Provincial Department of Rural Development (PDRD) adapted the NAP to establish its Provincial Action Plan (PAP) to be implemented at the sub-national level by working directly with district administration and commune councils. Common understanding, knowledge and willingness of local actors are key to plan implementation in target areas. The commune and district authorities have been engaged in the planning process and launching the plan for implementation. In particular, the improvement of institutional capacity for the RWSSH national action plan service delivery presented clear expected outcomes and indicators for roles and capacity building of MRD and PDRD in implementation of national action plan from national to community levels.

The NAP calls for local governments, including district administrations and commune councils, to play increasingly active roles in identifying RWSSH priorities, and allocating investment funds towards those priorities. To assist with this process, NAP calls for selection and training of district and commune focal persons who will advocate for and support NAP/PAP at local level. PDRD and provincial working groups help oversee and support the decentralization effort which includes the delegation of governance and budgetary authority to sub-national administrative units.

     3. Roof harvesting: Community perception of traditional rainwater harvesting in rural Cambodia

In 2016, RWC conducted a qualitative research titled “roof harvesting- community perception of traditional rainwater harvesting in rural Cambodia” as a case study of Oral district, Kampong Speu province. The researchers met a wide range of stakeholders including the government, NGOs, local authorities and community representatives to understand what they thought about traditional rainwater harvesting, uses and areas of improvement.

The rational of the study is large number of households in rural Cambodia, traditional harvesting practices are highly risky (vector-borne diseases, and inadequate water for drinking and cooking) as they use open-top small jars and other containers to harvest and store water. Little is known about the reasons why the community still not see their risk. They may have either have no choice than drinking like that because of lack of resource to invest in safer technology, because they have other priorities in resource allocation, or because there is an acceptance of the risk associated with the water they drink. The effort made by development partners and government to promote rural water supply, in particular the promotion of rainwater program as included in the national action plan for rural water supply and sanitation, broadly present the key implementation activities and relied on the its development partners.

Therefore the research has explored community perceptions of harvesting and use of rainwater by adopting qualitative approach. The research analysed three main attributes of perception on Affordability, Convenience and Reliability and has defined the key factors needed to improve rainwater harvesting. Community perceptions provides RWC and its partners in development with key findings that could help tailor development of improved rainwater promotion at scale through a joint commitment to seek funding for pilot project addressing the main concerns raise by respondents; development operation guideline, informed choice of rainwater harvesting

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option for improved rainwater harvesting promotion in rural Cambodia.

The study by RWC analysed three key attributes of community perception as affordability, convenience and reliability, and the results are shown in the following:

Graph 1 – Household perception of harvesting and using rainwater (Source Kea Pheng, 2016)

The findings presented in Graph 1 show the respondents’ answers to open questions for indepth interview for 12 households in response to the three key attributes as presented. There were Eight respondents said that they were very satisfied with odour and color (clear and tasty) while two said they can harvest rainwater at home and water is available.

          3.1 Affordability

The house condition of households in Kampong Speu province was found to be suitable for installing a rainwater harvesting system, and all local inhabitants owned their houses. The households that had a good economic status and a good house had the facilities to adopt rainwater harvesting. In addition, Kampong Speu province had good rainfall with an average of 1,414 mm per year. Residents could easily afford rainwater harvesting, some houses could afford gutters and down pipes while some households can harvest directly from the roof by using a zinc sheet. The harvesting practices depended on the financial resources and knowledge available to the houseowner. Gutters and pipes were not available in the village or commune centre so inhabitants have to travel around 40km to provincial town or district town in order to buy these.

          3.2 Convenience

Most of the respondents were satisfied with the quality of water in all three areas of odour, taste and colour. All of them confirmed they have traditionally harvested and used rainwater since older generations and most of them considered rainwater as a good source because it is pure water that fell from the sky. The research found many respondents prefer using rainwater as it is clear, tasty and has no muddy smell. In addition, they perceived that harvesting and using rainwater would reduce their water expenditure and time collecting or buying, help them maintain good health and overall allow them to feel more at ease. The Department of Rural Water Supply perceived that Cambodians prefer using rainwater to other sources, in particular for drinking, as it was clear and tasty. In particular, the current rainwater harvesting system has potential for upgrading from the traditional to improved systems and contributing to the increased access to improved water supply targets of Cambodia.

          3.3 Reliability

Rainwater is most reliable during the rainy season because most people only have small storage capacity, meaning that if there is an extended period between rains then their storage could become empty. The availability of water in each household varied with the types of usage (irrigation, drinking, cooking, etc.); and storage capacity.

During the rainy season, rainwater topped the ranking of all sources in terms of supply. The households that have storage capacity greater than 2,000 litres are able to solely rely on rainwater throughout the rainy season while households with less than 2,000 litres (having one to three jars) still require other sources. Through the visit, it was found that poor households tend to have one jar and in the rainy season they use water from tube well in their village to supplement their rainwater supply.

Government and commune focal points perceived the key factors to promote improved rainwater harvesting and reach the SDG 06 to be capacity building and raising awareness of promoters and communities, financial capacity of pilot projects and harmonization among sectors and grass root communities for program implementation. They are confident they will be able to grant access to water supply to a large number of households in rural Cambodia by promoting improved rainwater harvesting systems. Besides the research findings, there has been a continued effort made by the DRWS on the development of an informed choice on rainwater harvesting for households system in Cambodia in collaboration with RWC and the sub-group dedicated to improving drinking water quality.

     4. Rainwater harvesting formalization in rural Cambodia by RainWater Cambodia

RainWater Cambodia has designed and implemented risk-managed rainwater harvesting (RWH) systems since 2004, which were designed to capture the large rainfall in Cambodia and store enough water to last through the dry season. The risk management approach prevents contamination during storage and ensures that water stays safe to drink. RWC has provided RWH systems for households, schools and health centres and since 2004, over 2800 household systems and over 290 institutional systems have been installed throughout Cambodia. Beneficiaries in rural Cambodia manage the systems themselves, ensuring functionality and capability to supply water for drinking and cooking without the need for other treatment facilities, as it is drinkable. The rainwater harvesting delivery method implemented by RWC is outlined below.

          4.1 Assessment and identification of beneficiaries

The situation of target areas was assessed to determine the level of access to improved water supply in reference to the technical aspects: number of water infrastructures, quality of supply, quality of water, and the distance and timing to access the water sources. Additionally, the social and environmental aspects have focused on the vulnerable, poor and arsenic-affected areas as well. The assessment has defined the current situation and proposed alternative solutions to improve the situation. Importantly, the assessment findings will offer information in regard to the amount of water required for consumption and hence the size of tanks.

               4.1.1 Local institution

The improvement of water supply in rural Cambodian schools was assessed by investigating schools’ current water assets, water use of students and teachers, the condition of buildings and roofs, the number of students and teachers, and the schools with available water budget or ability to install a rainwater harvesting system. This assessment was then summarized in a report, which is issued to the schools and used as the basis for rainwater design.

               4.1.2 Households

For the selection of beneficiaries, a number of factors including economic status, vulnerability and access to drinking water were examined. In Cambodia, data for identifying poor households has been established and adopted in many development programs. RWC also uses the poor households list in the selection process.

          4.2 Technical training provided by the local private sector

RWC’s mission statement discusses the development and support of the local private sector in project implementation. The project financially subsidized up to 70% of the total cost for each system for the interested community representatives who invested in rainwater harvesting systems constructed by local entrepreneurs trained by RWC.

Indeed, this is an important part of RWC’s work to contribute to the sustainable development of Cambodia and as such, comprehensive training program were offered to interested entrepreneurs during projects. RWC trainings are designed to cover all the relevant aspects of building rainwater harvesting including theory sessions on the products and materials used, clearly explaining why poor-quality cheap materials result in low-quality products and safety considerations. RWC technicians then build demonstration products before the trainees are encouraged to demonstrate their abilities.

Further to technical training, entrepreneurs are also given some basic business training, including the benefits of marketing and advertising, efficiency of operations and some basic finance and accounting skills. To further ensure that construction is of good quality, construction validation visits are made during RWC projects where the construction site is visited at 80% and 100% of completion whereupon subsidies are paid to the contractor if the work is of acceptable quality. This comprehensive support of the local private sector is to ensure the beneficiaries are provided with good-quality products and to also instill in the entrepreneurs an understanding and appreciation of quality work.

          4.3 Supporting local authorities on project implementation

RWC is committed to supporting the Royal Government of Cambodia’s decentralization and de-concentration processes. Commune councils and local authorities selected as focal points participated in project implementation and were trained by the project team. Additionally, the support and involvement of provincial, district and communal governments in development projects is vital to the sustainable development of Cambodia, and RWC involves many levels of government in all of its projects. The Provincial Department of Rural Development (PDRD) is especially actively involved and played a vital in providing support and technical advice to RWC during projects.

          4.4 Technical options and construction

Figure 2 – Risk managed rainwater harvesting tank model

The risk management model focuses on the harvesting, storage and distribution parts. All parts consist of a collection system (roof, gutter, first flush system and PVC pipes), a storage system (tank) and a distribution system (PVC piping and taps).
Screens are installed at critical points to prevent animals, mosquitoes, leaves and dirt from entering the tank. A cleaning outlet at the base of the tank enables periodic flushing of the tank to clear any debris which may settle on the tank floor.
The first flush system is designed to divert a calculated volume of water from entering the main tank, and this ensures that the first bit of water that has collected dirt and debris from the roof and gutters is diverted to a secondary tank that is either manually or automatically emptied.

The Royal University of Phnom Penh, Penh Socheat 2009 conducted the study in Kampong Speu on rainwater harvesting with risk-managed system under RainWater Cambodia project, which showed that E. coli and other coliform were present in the water of one recipient household which removed the first flush system, and the water required further treatment options in order to be safe for drinking. The other 15 households which kept the first flush system installed were found to have good quality water which was directly drinkable (Penh Socheat 2009). This is a significant finding of how important it is to have a risk-managed model.

          4.5 Institutional system

For larger systems, RWC’s skilled technicians and engineers who have many years of experience oversee the construction, which is for the large ferro-cement tanks and other products. The cost of the system ranges from $US 1,700 to $US 4,000 depending on the size and location. The size of the tank starts from 14,000 litre and goes up to 35,000 litre. Large ferro-cement tanks are
Figure 2 – Risk managed rainwater harvesting tank technically challenging to construct as quality materials must be used and care must be taken at every step. RWC also provides certified technical training to local masons and entrepreneurs who can then construct the tanks.

           4.5.1 Domestic system

Domestic rainwater harvesting systems promoted by RWC include two different types of 3,000-litre tanks: the concrete ring tank and the jumbo jar. It is important to remember that other domestic rainwater harvesting technologies are available in different sizes and technical standards. Moreover, it should be emphasized that the tank is just one part of a complete domestic rainwater harvesting system and that each part plays a very important role. Within this specification of the system, the cost ranges from $US 160 for a jumbo jar to $US 250 for a concrete ring tank.

          4.6 Operation and maintenance training

An important part of any rainwater harvesting project is operation and maintenance training to ensure sustainability of the system. Typically, an orientation of the different parts is given including demonstrations of how each part works, how to empty the first flush system, turn the valves on and off, clear the screens, and clean and flush the tank, and the importance of keeping the gutter free from leaves is also explained. The beneficiaries are also provided with a number of spare parts and instructions on how to repair parts of the system.

Also provided with the training is a clear easy-to-follow manual which can be kept in the school, and posters highlighting the system are displayed in staff rooms. The manual contains contact numbers of RainWater Cambodia, and if a local mason was involved then his contact details are also provided to the school.

           4.7 Project benefits

RWC has received positive feedbacks from all project stakeholders in regard to the project approach and the achieved outputs, and RWC is well recognised in Cambodia as being very successful in the formalization of rainwater harvesting. Besides the number of water facilities built throughout rural Cambodia, the main outcomes of the program have been defined as impact for health, social and environmental aspect also. Table 1 presents the number of rainwater harvesting systems formalized in Cambodia by RWC since 2004.

Table 1 – Number of rainwater harvesting systems built by RWC in rural Cambodia by 2017

               4.7.1 Health benefits

Health benefits were observed through the feedbacks from households with rainwater harvesting system as the number and frequency of vector-borne diseases have been decreased. Peter McInnis conducted a pilot study in 2008 of rainwater harvesting programs in Cambodia and the results showed that rainwater was considered to be of very high quality by both recipients and non-recipients and was thus used extensively. Both categories of participants still collected large quantities of water and although the majority of recipient households still had most of their tank water remaining, several used it all for non-essential purposes (PETER Mclnnis 2008).

               4.7.2 Environmental benefit

Image 3- RWC National Award 2016 from Energy Globe Award – Austria

This project has demonstrated the

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appropriateness of zero energy use for a water treatment before drinking. In 2016, RWC won the national Energy Globe Award – Austria 2016 in recognition of its rainwater harvesting formulization project in rural Cambodia, which contributed to promoting environmental friendly practices and health. The households with rainwater harvesting system built were able to save time and fuel costs by not collecting water from the community pond or other sources.

RWC implemented community-based climate change adaptation in which rainwater harvesting system is one available innovation for the vulnerable households and communities. The vulnerability reduction assessment (VRA) based on the model of UNDP was conducted before starting and after completion of projects to measure the level of project success in particular with respect to climate change risks like drought. The post-project VRA result is compared in Table 2, which shows a significant reduction in the risk of further climate change impact.



Table 2 – Climate Change impact

               5.1.1 Social Benefit

This project has significantly supported the decentralization efforts of local authorities through the establishment of an operation and management committee and implementation of training on social accountability and demand for good governance. Project sustainability has been a critical focus for RWC within this project. The knowledge and resources were mobilized and absorbed by local communities, which ensured that the local private sector, masons and labourers have enough capacity to construct the rainwater harvesting system; and can be selected as a counterpart in construction for other donors and partners in Cambodia.

The project has strongly reinforced the capacity of its partners, such as government technical departments, local authorities and the private sector in regard to relevant design and construction processes for the implemented technologies.

     6. Sustainability assessment of rainwater harvesting system

RWC conducted the sustainability assessment of household rainwater harvesting systems in four provinces of Kandal, Kampot, Kampong Speu and Kampong Chhnang in 2016. Ten rainwater harvesting systems installed between 2005 and 2016 were selected in each province. Two technical options were installed in rural communities. These were jumbo jars and concrete ring tanks with a volume of 3,000 to 5,000 litres per unit.

Three main objectives of this study were (1) to understand the current condition of rainwater harvesting systems and associated practices for households with systems implemented by RainWater Cambodia, (2) to determine the level of functionality and sustainability of those systems, and (3) to identify defects or constraints to support future decisions on implementation. The criteria for assessing sustainability were adopted from the UNDP-World Bank Water and Sanitation Program by Sara, J. and Katz (1997) which were: physical condition, operation and maintenance, budget, user satisfaction and willingness to sustain the system. The sub-indicators were scored and rated in a 10-point scale, summed up then divided by the number of total sub indicators. Then, the study identified strengths, defects and constraints from scores obtained for future improvement and implementation for sustainability.

At the time of assessment, 36 rainwater harvesting systems (90%) were still functioning while the other 4 systems (10%) had failed in operation due to broken concrete foundation and crack on storage wall. However, the problems can be fixed by local masons. From rainwater practice findings, the majority of respondents used ‘rainwater’ as their main supply source of water in the rainy seasons but a much lower use of the source in dry seasons due to high demand, lack of rainfall and failure to separate stored rainwater for consumption.
As for the quality of rainwater stored in tanks as drinking water, 18 systems (50%) reported that they did not store other supply sources in storage tanks while the other 18 systems (50%) said they put alternative water sources into the storage tanks. Tested with the Cambodian Drinking Water Quality Standards (2015), those systems with various sources of water storage failed to meet the standards in each parameter.

Table 3 – Physical condition and design considerations

Table 3 shows the results from the RWH systems assessment. It is classified as being ‘potentially sustainable’ with a score of 6.9 out of 10.0 points. The physical conditions of the concrete foundation, concrete of storage tank and water catchment roof were all good. On the maintenance works, the respondents said they can do some repair works or replace spare parts if there was any minor error such as pipe leakage or broken pipes. For operation and maintenance budget, 78% of respondents had the financial capability if there was a need for minor repair works, despite the fact that more than 50% of respondents were identified either as poor (Poor I) or the poorest (Poor II) according to the national poverty identification system.

All users were satisfied with rainwater in terms of color, odor and taste, but the small storage capacity could not give the users enough water to last throughout the dry season. Many responses were positive on improved health (associated with waterborne diseases) with fewer cases of diarrhea or typhoid in the last six months. Other benefits noted by users of the rainwater harvesting systems were reduced time in obtaining water and saving money.

     7. Lessons learnt and the way forward

This article presents the key opinions on how to successfully supply water in Cambodia, which is focused on increasing the effectivness of the national action plan implementation and institutional capacity building program for all relevant stakeholders from national level to grass root communities and promoting improved rainwater harvesting. DRWS and commune focal points perceived that the key factors to promote improved rainwater harvesting could help meet the sustainable development goal on clean water, by focusing on capacity building and raising awareness for promoters and communities, financial capacity of pilot projects and harmonization among WASH sector and grass root communities for program implementation.

In addition, the following key recommendations are more focused on improving rainwater harvesting formalization in rural Cambodia. Experts and studies reported that the effectiveness of rainwater harvesting systems can be improved by increasing the capacity of existing storage tanks and installing new facilities. In particular, based on the sustainability assessment findings, RWC proposes the key recommendations in Table 4 on its rainwater haresting formalization in rural Cambodia to contribute to the affordable and clean drinking water for Cambodia as the following:

Table 4 – Key recommendations

8. Conclusion

The NAP 2014-2018 clearly presented the flow of work and targets to achieve by 2018, and the second NAP 2019-2023 framework is under deveolopment. In the first mandate of the plan, the mid-term review has been conducted by MRD and its partners to define key learnings, basic strategy and planning to achieve expected outcomes.

Rainwater harvesting formalization is feasible and widely adaptod by the communities, and many Cambodians prefer rainwater as their main source for drinking and cooking. However, the collection method needs to incorporate a risk management model. RWC has introduced the new risk management model as presented in the above section in an attempt to mitigate all risks and make the system easy to construct for local people. Some studies found that the rainwater harvesting program brought health, environmental and social benefits. Additionally, this technical option can be applied to the areas where alternative water sources are unavailable. From the business perspective, rainwater harvesting is not commercially viable yet as people need subsidies from donors and governments. Moreover, the system is only able to supply enough water for drinking and cooking.

The improvement of existing traditional rainwater harvesting has focused on mitigating the risk from contamination and ensuring enough water is supplied for drinking and cooking year-round by meeting the definition of access to improved water supply: (i) safe storage, (ii) storage capacity of at least 3,000 litres, and (iii) access to water through a tap. The World Food Program is carrying out a strategy to ensure access to water by promoting rainwater harvesting storage (AE-WFP 2016, p.2). There are two parts to increasing rainwater supply: rehabilitation/improvement of existing sources and installation of new facilities to increase the number of water jars or increase storage capacity up to 3,000-5,000 litres to supply water all year round. To sustain the rainwater harvesting formalization, RWC should improve its rainwater harvesting program by specifically focusing on the five criteria of sustainability; and should capture the strength as found in sustainability assessment and improve the systems from potential sustainability to sustainability. In addition, the government of Camdodia represents by Ministry of Rural Development should put more investment in mobilization of rainwater harvesting by development of the operational guideline, demonstrate of model project and scale up. The increased effort in implementation and focused on improve traditional rainwate rharvesting to an improved risk managed system either National Action Plan (NAP) or Provicial Action Plan (PAP) on water, supply, sanitation and hygiene are keys to in crease access to improve water supply.

In conclusion, rainwater harvesting formalization in rural Cambodia is an alternative and sustainable water supply solution for everyone in rural Cambodia as it is affordable, reliable and convinient.


1. AE-WFP 2016, Water Infrastructure Study: Rapid Assessment of Existing Groundwater Studies and Groundwater Use in Cambodia.
2. ANDREW SHANTZ & WILLIAM DANIELL 2011,Water and Sanitation Program: A Study of option for safe water access in arsenic affected community in Cambodia
3. CSES 2016, Cambodian Socio Economic Survey, P.9, National Institute of Statistic, The Kingdom of Cambodia.
4. FAO, UNICEF, WFP – 2016, Household Resilience in Cambodia, A Review of Livelihoods, Food Security and Health, Part 12015/2016 EI Nino Situation Analysis.
5. JICA 2002, P.8-4 The Study on Groundwater Development in Central Cambodia, Final Report.
6. JMP update report, WHO-UNICEF 2015, P.4, Progress on sanitation and drinking water
7. Kevin Watkins, 2006, P.34, Human Development Report, UNDP
8. Kyoochul Ha et all 2013, “Current Status and Issues of Groundwater in the Mekong River Basin”, KIGAM) CCOP Technical Secretariat UNESCO Bangkok Office.
9. Kea Pheng 2016, roof harvesting – community perception of traditional rainwater harvesting in rural Cambodia. A final thesis for executive master in development policies and practice, at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland.
10. National Strategic Development Plan 2011-2018, The Royal Government of Cambodia
11. National Strategy for Rural Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene, 2011-2025
12. National Action Plan 2014-2018, Rural Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene in Cambodia.
13. PETER Mclnnis 2008: Pilot study for evaluation of the impact of rainwater collection system for villagers in rural Cambodia.
14. Penh Socheat 2009, the study on rainwater harvesting formalization in Kampong Speu, Cambodia: A final thesis for Bachelor Degree at The Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
15. RWC 2013, Climate Change Adaptation Project: Post-Vulnerability Reduction Assessment in Kampot Province.
16. SNV-MRD 2015, P.24, Rural Water Supply Technical Design Guideline and Construction Supervision Manual
17. Sara, J. and Katz, T. 1997. Making Rural Water Supply Sustainable: Report on the Impact of Project Rules. Retrieved from Accessed date: 10/2014.
18. SEVEA 2017, Access to drinking water in rural Cambodia. Current situation and development potential analysis report.
19. WSP 2015, p.23, service delivery assessment, Water and Sanitation Program – World Bank.
20. World Bank Group 2017, Sustainability Assessment of Rural Water Service Delivery Models, finding from a multi-countries reviews.
21. Vouillamoz, J. M., Valois, R., Lun, S., Caron, D., & Arnout, L. (2016). Can groundwater secure drinking- water supply and supplementary irrigation in new settlements of North-West Cambodia? Hydrogeology Journal, 24, No. 1 (February): 195-209.
22. WHO-Guideline for drinking water quality, 2008, Third Edition, p120e
23. WHO 2005, P.29, water safety plan, drinking water quality guideline
24. (MRD/UNICEF, 2006, MRD WASH drought response, Drought Condition Update, 06 June 2016.

PHENG Kea: Executive Director

CHAN Chantrea: Admin and Finance Officer

CHEY RakSmey: WASH Program Coordinator

TENG Phearom: WASH Officer

Consultancy Design and Prototyping

RWC has a knowledge in running formative and informative research on the WASH topic related, the research informs RWC decision making and informs recommendation for development strategy of program design and strengthening the current program implementation. The recent studies on (Roof harvesting: Community perception of traditional rainwater harvesting), the outcome of research informed RWC to continued develop its program with product testing on underground rainwater tank pilot project that could supply rainwater for domestic use. In addition, the development of community led approach has been developed and sought for support to implement in rural Cambodia


RWC has provided various qualitative and quantitative researches on WASH related topic. In 2017, the Water Supply Program Study on “Key actors opinion of successful water supply implementation in school and community in rural Cambodia” was conducted

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