From 24 to 25 January 2023, Rainwater Cambodia (RWC) organized the visit to assess the construction of water sanitation and hygiene facilities under project ” Improving the Health of the People of Northwestern Cambodia by Strengthening Water and Sanitation Capacity in Health Centers and Communities ” Funded by BMZ Germany through KleineHilfarbeit e.V. (KHa).
The objective of this visit is to access the progress of the construction in target health centers and to ensure that the construction are going according to plan. In addition, Mr. Pheng Kea, Executive Director of RainWater Cambodia and the technical team inspected the construction of 10 WASH facilities including Tapho, Sarang, Kork Kathin, Phum Thmey, Chak Puok, Boeung Trakoun, Kouk Romiet and Banteay Chhmar located in Thmar Puok district and O Bei Choan located in Poipet operational district. These facilities included hand washing station, inclusive latrine, ramps for the disabled, incinerators, waste storage facilities and water system improvements. As a result of the overall assessment, all construction of WASH facilities are in accordance with the technical plans and plans prepared. In particular, to evaluating the construction is beautiful, high quality and efficient. Beside the visiting, in addition to assessing the construction of WASH facilities at health centres, Mr. Pheng Kea attended a meeting to reflect on the progress of the project, providing support to the project team for the next steps.