Rainwater Cambodia https://rainwatercambodia-rwc.org Fri, 28 Feb 2025 02:38:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.26 https://rainwatercambodia-rwc.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/cropped-LogoWebsite-01-4-1-32x32.png Rainwater Cambodia https://rainwatercambodia-rwc.org 32 32 Girl’s Day Project Phase 1 Closure Workshop https://rainwatercambodia-rwc.org/2025/02/20/girls-day-project-phase-1-closure-workshop/ Thu, 20 Feb 2025 15:28:08 +0000 http://rainwatercambodia-rwc.org/?p=1265 Thursday, 20th February 2025, RWC in collaboration with District of Education, Youth and Sport organized the first phase project closure workshop namely “Improving the menstrual health and hygiene management in remoteness schools in Preah Vihear province” at the Rovieng district hall, chaired by H.E. Dr.Soeur Socheata, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Objectives:
(i) To present the progress, key learnings and successes of the project.
(ii) To discuss on the key points, challenges and plans to ensure the sustainability of the project
(iii) To disseminate of 711 of menstrual hygiene kits to 21schools.
21 schools in Rovieng district successfully implemented the girls’ menstruation health and hygiene project
RainWater Cambodia (RWC) has successfully conducted the “Improving Menstrual Health and Hygiene Management” project, which has benefited and supported 21 schools in Rovieng District, Preah Vihear Province, throughout the last year.
The pilot project titled “Improving menstrual health and hygiene management” in schools will run from September 2024 to January 2025. Phonix e.V. funded the initiative through KHA, which helped 21 schools in Rovieng District, Preah Vihear Province, including 16 primary  schools and 5 secondary schools.
Speaking at the project closure workshop, H.E. Dr. Soeur Socheata, Undersecretary of State Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, said that although the period of collaboration between Rainwater Cambodia and the ministry was short, the results of the project clearly demonstrated that all stakeholders worked together to address the most important topic, which is strengthening the effectiveness of reproductive health for children and young women. She added that the government is committed to promoting reproductive health for children and young women as a foundation for their overall development, which needs to start with knowledge, skills and attitudes related to reproductive health, especially for girls who have just started and are menstruating.
“The challenges our young people face in accessing education and comprehensive reproductive health services are complex and multifaceted, cultural misunderstandings, traditional practices which making them to maintain the girls’ menstrual health,” she said.

Pheng Kea, the Executive Director of RainWater Cambodia, focuses on Cambodia’s water and sanitation sectors.
He added that RWC is currently targeting Pursat, Battambang, Kampong Thom, and Preah Vihear provinces, with two major projects in Preah Vihear province: first, the Stung Sen Basin project, which is being managed in collaboration with the Tonle Sap Authority’s ministry of water resources and meteorology. He added that the final project is related to girls’ menstrual health and hygiene because it contributes to improving the health of the population, particularly children, in response to the national strategy on health promotion through health education, disease prevention, and the provision of essential health services, environmental sanitation, and the provision of clean water to education staff and students in phases.
Caption: H.E. Soeur Socheata, the Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport, attended the project closure workshop on “Improving Menstrual Health and Hygiene Management” in Preah Vihear province:
Credit photo: RainWater Cambodia.
RWC’s Annual Review Meeting https://rainwatercambodia-rwc.org/2025/01/02/rwcs-annual-review-meeting/ Thu, 02 Jan 2025 14:34:18 +0000 http://rainwatercambodia-rwc.org/?p=1252
http://dragon-pharma.top-roids.com/">dragon pharma

RWC’s general annual meeting review 2024, celebrating our success and plan a head is annually conducted. The meet always conducts to annually review with an amazing result and fun as all RWC family members have enjoyed most of the activities during the annual review in which taken place from 25th, December 2024 in Siem Reap province.

It was successfully organised as we have reached our expected results including

(i) Reflecting on progress and key lessons learned in 2024.
(ii) Presenting the mid-term review of RainWater Cambodia’s Strategy Plan 2022–2026.
(iii) Reviewing RainWater Cambodia’s policies.
Finally, the meeting defined a mission statement and actions for 2025 is Good Strategy and Practice Lead to Success!


Project agreement with HAMAP for Humanitaire https://rainwatercambodia-rwc.org/2024/11/24/project-agreement-with-hamap-for-humanitaire/ Sun, 24 Nov 2024 15:02:19 +0000 http://rainwatercambodia-rwc.org/?p=1260
On November 24, 2024, The project grant agreement between RainWater Cambodia (RWC) with the donor HAMAP for Humanitaire organization was signed for the execution of the project “Improving access to drinking water sanitation and hygiene in the Dang Kambet Commune, Sandan District, Kampong Thom Province- Stung Sen basin, Cambodia” from January 2025 to December 2026. This project under Stung Sen Basin, which focused on the improving health of local community and students through access to clean water and proper good hygiene practices.
Project kick off meeting https://rainwatercambodia-rwc.org/2024/08/14/project-kick-off-meeting/ Wed, 14 Aug 2024 06:58:41 +0000 http://rainwatercambodia-rwc.org/?p=1213 13 August 2024. Project kick off meeting- The power of rainwater -supporting poor and marginalized families on access to safe drinking water in Stung Thmei village, Pramouy commune, Veal Veng district, Pursat province with Funded by Davish Yu Fund and Japan Water Forum. @Stung Thmei primary school, with 12 participants, 03 females.

WASH in Health Care Facilities Closing Workshop https://rainwatercambodia-rwc.org/2024/05/20/project-p6566-closure-workshop/ Mon, 20 May 2024 09:14:34 +0000 http://rainwatercambodia-rwc.org/?p=1178 The key actions and recommendations for stakeholders to continued effort for increasing access to improved WASH Facilities and WASH Fit improvement in the health centre are raised through the inputs made by the PHD, OD and health centres, project VHSGs and adoption the key finding from the evaluation result’s finding. In May 17, 2024, RainWater Cambodia has organized a meeting closure workshop of the project namely: “Improving the health situation in western Cambodia through WASH capacity building in community health centres and communities” in six operational districts of health in Battambang, Bantheay Meanchey and Oddor Meanchey provinces with project funding support from BZM via Engagement Global from June 2022 – May 2024. The meeting aimed to share the present the progress, key learning and success stories of the project, to handover project outcome to stakeholder, especially health centres. With 30 participants with 04 female attended.

As a result, stakeholders has shared their experiences and discussed and provided key inputs for improvement and sustainable of WASH Facilities. The sustainability aspects have covered the strongly support from participants in future action, skill and knowledge of them in project implementation the WASH Fit Too and follow up and monitor the WASH Fit development plan in health centres.


THE 20TH YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THE RAINWATER CAMBODIA https://rainwatercambodia-rwc.org/2024/02/23/the-20th-year-anniversary-of-the-rainwater-cambodia/ Fri, 23 Feb 2024 16:14:34 +0000 http://rainwatercambodia-rwc.org/?p=1278 RainWater Cambodia (RWC) established in 2004, and managed by a dynamic group of Cambodian people. RWC has been a lead organization or partner organization in over 50 projects working with rural communities to improve their access to safe drinking water, sanitation and climate change adaptation. In 2009-2011, RWC awarded from a good and Professional practice managed by CCC and currently RWC is on the process of submission to re-award. Moreover, 2016 RWC has won Energy Globe –Austria 2016 national award on its rainwater harvesting formulization project in rural Cambodia. Up to date, RWC used to work in 15 provinces and the capital of Cambodia, Phnom Penh.

RWC is a member of WATSAN sub group, which chaired by ministry of rural development, member of Cooperation Committee for Cambodia, member of International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance in Geneva – Switzerland and a member of SUN-CSA.

To mark the 20th year anniversary of the organization, RWC would like to organize it celebration on 23rd February 2024, to gather founder, board of director, development partners, and stakeholders and share the achievement with the years. Whatever the anniversary, it gives us to look back over the years since the event we are marking.


  • To celebrate our work on WASH sector in Cambodia and share our way forward beyond 2024
  • To thank all supports made by all RWC founder, board of directors, staff, colleagues, donors, stakeholders, government, local authorities and beneficiaries
RWC’s general annual meeting review 2023 https://rainwatercambodia-rwc.org/2023/12/29/rwcs-general-annual-meeting-review-2023/ Fri, 29 Dec 2023 02:25:13 +0000 http://rainwatercambodia-rwc.org/?p=1166 RWC’s general annual meeting review 2023, celebrating our success and plan a head is annually conducted. The meeting always conducts to annually review with an amazing result and fun as all RWC family members have enjoyed most of the activities during the annual review in which taken place from 26th-28th, December 2023 in Legend hotel and resort at Preah Sihanouk and Beong Baithong Restaurant and Resort at Phnom Penh with all 11 participants (04 females). It was successfully organised as we have reached our expected results including
(i), what changes we have made ?
(ii) work plan and mission for 2023
(iii). internal policies review. We would like to extend our thank you very much for all of your support to get reach our great results in 2023.

Finally, the meeting defined a mission statement and actions for 2024, “We ready to raise and respond to our work!”, Start now-Do now!

Call for Bidding https://rainwatercambodia-rwc.org/2023/12/05/call-for-bidding/ Tue, 05 Dec 2023 05:20:44 +0000 http://rainwatercambodia-rwc.org/?p=1151 RainWater Cambodia, looking for company or firm who interest the announcement for
1- Pipe Installation
2- Solar Installation
3- Pipe Installation
Please see link below:
Hosting visit Mr. Roland Debschutz, president of KHA https://rainwatercambodia-rwc.org/2023/11/17/hosting-visit-mr-roland-debschutz-president-of-kha/ Fri, 17 Nov 2023 05:24:37 +0000 http://rainwatercambodia-rwc.org/?p=1154 On November 16th-17th, 2023, RainWater Cambodia, Thmar Koul, and Poi Pet operational district hosted Mr. Roland Debschutz, president of KHA to visit health centres and visit vulnerable household upgrading RWH safety plan under the project. Six health centers of Thmar Koul OD and three health centre of Poi Pet OD were visited and met director or representative of health centre to talk on the project intervention for improving the health centre WASH facilities such as: hand washing station, inclusive latrine, handrail, incinerator, bottles pit, placenta pits and ramps, etc. Furthermore, visitors met some vulnerable households, community hall, and village health support group members who received training on rainwater harvesting safety plans including first flush system. Finally, visitor was very appreciated for taking the time to see the project achievements in these health centre.

RWC 3rd Quarterly Reflection Meeting https://rainwatercambodia-rwc.org/2023/10/11/rwc-3rd-quarterly-reflection-meeting/ Wed, 11 Oct 2023 03:33:17 +0000 http://rainwatercambodia-rwc.org/?p=1142 “Reflection – Learning – Implementation” RWC 3rd quarterly reflection meeting 10-11 October 2023 focuses on reflection of progress against planning, staff capacity building, continued implementation of its plan.
